Breaking News!
Think your company can't support us
because we are 'Animal Welfare'?
Think again!
SA.MAST has just been issued with their

Why does SA.MAST get to have a CERTIFICATE that is
Because SA.MAST continues to prove its commitment to transparency, real and meaningful change and the urban renewal of South Africa's second largest informal settlement.
We just do it differently!
For more information please contact Tamsin Nel, Founder and Director of SA.MAST.
T: 021 797 1042 • C: 084 778 1215 • E: samast@samast.co.za
How you can help:
No donation amount is too small! We can issue Section 18A Tax Donation Certificates.

Fill out a debit order form, for an amount of your own choosing on our website: www.samast.co.za/debit-order/

Make a SECURE Credit Card donation on our website: www.samast.co.za

Make a Direct Deposit, our bank account details are:
SA.MAST, Nedbank. Acc no 1676031707, Bcc: 198765
Please don't forget to let us know about your donation, we ALWAYS appreciate the opportunity to say thank you.
Khayelitsha Activity Report:
01 January – 10 September 2014
To date we have sterilized over 8000 patients for free.
Site C Mass Sterilisation Campaign
This year we have already sterilized and provided primary treatment to 1422 cats and dogs in Khayelitsha, of which 709 patients live in Site C. Our Site C Campaign is no 'smash and grab' operation though...
Every home we have visited has undergone a health and welfare audit.
Do our patients need shelter or medical treatment and are they getting the correct diet? Do the guardians need extra guidance on how to look after their cat or dog or do we need to intervene because of gross neglect or cruelty?

WOW! Due to the support you have given us, SA.MAST has already built and delivered 237 kennels to needy patients. We are running out of funds though, so if you can help, please do!
SA.MAST does what we can, whenever we can.
SA.MAST does what we can, whenever we can. Happily, we can report that hundreds of our Site C patients are enjoying a much better quality of life and are no longer producing litter after litter of unwanted cats and dogs.
What about the welfare of the humans charged with their care?
A positive influence on health and safety is achieved in a community when there are fewer dangerous, sick and diseased animals mixing with the human population. A healthy animal population also equates to a better tourist experience and small business development.
SA.MAST is so very grateful to GB Incorporated South Africa
for sponsoring our application for our B-BBEE Certificate.

GB Incorporated South Africa offers various services related to the BBBEE legislative compliance, scorecard simulation, audit preparation and strategy development. We provide a unique, tailored and/or structured 'outsourced' solution for clients to implement BBBEE and Transformation strategies. The primary objective is to provide clients with Business Support and Capacity Building for ensuring the verification score is optimised, and clients remain compliant with the over-arching Legislation. GB Incorporated is a Level-4 BBBEE contributor.
W: www.gbincorporated.co.za
T: +27 82 457 7940
E: gavin@gbincorporated.co.za
For more information contact:
Tamsin Nel, Founder & Director,
South African Mass Animal Sterilisation Trust
Tel: +27 (0) 21 797 1042 | Cell: +27 (0) 84 778 1215
Email: samast@samast.co.za | www.samast.co.za