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Below are photos of a dog who was named Chilli Bite by his previous guardians. Briefly this is his story: |
We met Chilli Bite while delivering kennels to needy woofs in Khayelitsha about six weeks ago. He came bounding up to us, and despite his obvious neglect this amazing creature behaved as if he was king of the castle and all was right with the world. I have very, very seldom come across a dog who is this friendly and playful and who adores people as much as he does. When we met him, he had no water, food or shelter. He was substantially underweight and had never been treated for ticks, fleas or experienced any kind of grooming. We managed to track down his guardian's girlfriend and gave her a kennel, water and food buckets and about a week's worth of food. We left Chilli Bite after being assured by the girlfriend that he would be better looked after and that we could collect him for his sterilisation procedure and primary treatments. About five days later we passed by his shack, but instead of seeing his kennel there was just an empty sandy corridor. We immediately started making enquiries. After a while, we were directed to across the road. There was no food or water in sight and his kennel was sitting on a pile of blue rubbish bags. The kennels we give away are normally valued and appreciated in Khayelitsha, something had definitely gone wrong, but Chilli Bite as usual acted as though he had just dined at the Ritz and the world was his oyster. We were unable to find his guardian or his guardian's girlfriend but kept trying and on Saturday (20 October) we found the girlfriend again. She told us that her boyfriend had moved to another area, left the dog behind and that she could not afford to look after Chilli Bite. She then him to us and he was brought straight through to my home. Chilli Bite has been an absolute pleasure to look after. Because of the kind of dog he is (Husky cross), his exceptional good manners and the obvious training he must have received at some stage in his young life we took him to be scanned for a microchip this morning. The bad news is that he has no chip, but the good news is that he is in excellent health despite being underweight. I can't keep him though, and need to find a forever home or suitable foster parents for him as soon as possible. My dogs are terrorists and are very unhappy that there is another dog here.